Waiting for God

“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord. I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.” – Micah 7:7
Do you feel like you're at a standstill right now? No wind in your sails? No sense of direction? Not sure what's next? There are waiting times for all of us. Times when we are trying to trust God even when He doesn't seem to be doing anything to give us a sense of His presence or will.
Don't worry. His silence doesn't mean He has withdrawn. Most likely He's waiting for the timing to be right before He acts. The direction He wants to give may be dependent on many threads coming together at the right time - other people, our heart readiness, general conditions around us. His working always includes things we cannot see, so we wait until He is ready to move, to direct us, or to change circumstances.
In the creation account, we read that the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. While He hovered, the waters waited in the darkness - maybe for a very long time. Then, when He was ready, God called for creation and the earth and seas exploded with light, life, color, and glory. When the waiting was over, everything changed - radically!
The Spirit hovers over us, too. We need to quiet our souls. Rest. Trust. Allow Him to work where we cannot see, believing He is doing what is best for us, and knowing He will bring about what He desires when the time is right. It will be good!
"I am sure God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait." - C. S. Lewis