Then I couldn't. Now I can.
We are so pleased to announce that sixteen women received literacy certificates in Islamabad this week. They passed proficiency tests after studying diligently for six months under the teaching of Reach the Nations' literacy expert, Zaresh (on the left in the photo above).
Four of us from Reach the Nations in the U. S. joined in the graduation ceremony by Zoom and heard several testimonies of women rejoicing in the fact that six months ago they couldn't read and now they could.
Several demonstrated their skills at reading. Others simply said thank you for this opportunity. Ranging in age from teens to 70's, these women are justifiably proud of this accomplishment.
The program opened with prayers of thanksgiving.
This is the second graduating class for Zaresh. She will recruit students and begin a new class in a few weeks. In the meantime, another teacher, Sikendar (far right in the photo above), is teaching in another area of Islamabad. He and some of his students attended this graduation celebration and were inspired by the accomplishments and testimonies of these graduates.
Manzoor and Rashid, RTN's representatives in Islamabad, attended the ceremonies and honored the graduates by awarding the certificates.
And after the formal ceremony, a meal was provided by Prayer Tower Church. A great way to celebrate!
Pray for these women who are now equipped to read the Bible, which was the stated goal of most of them. They were challenged not only to read and learn, but to teach others also.
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." - Psalm 119:105