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The Best is Yet to Come

We want you to meet the most recent graduating class in Reach the Nations' (RTN) literacy program in Pakistan. On Monday of this week, 20 students received certificates of achievement in learning to read and write in Urdu and to do basic math.

The teacher of this class is Sikandar who teaches literacy to students in the G-8 Hansa area of Islamabad. It is an area of great need and where many do not have the opportunity to attend school. Sikandar is shown on the right above with one of the younger students in the class.

On the left is Manzoor, who serves on Pakistan's National Commission for Human Rights and has been involved with the work of RTN for many years.

The graduation was held at Prayer Tower Church in Islambad where Zarish has been teaching literacy classes for RTN for several years now. This group shows many of her students who, after receiving their basic certificate, have been participating in the follow-up program: Reading the Bible through together and talking about what they read. They came to the graduation to encourage the new graduates by showing their reading skills and talking about how this learning is changing their lives.

The students were all blessed by encouraging words from Manzoor, who has been a strong supporter of the RTN literacy program his country.

The students came up one by one to receive their certificates and a large-print Bible in Urdu. This student is shown with Manzoor and also with Pastor Babar, the pastor of Prayer Tower Church.

This student is shown with Manzoor and with Zarish, wife of Pastor Babar, and overseer of all of RTN's literacy locations in Pakistan.

After comments from their teacher Sikandar, the new graduates heard testimonies from earlier graduates - stories of their better understanding of Scripture and of greater confidence and joy because of their new and developing skills. Their overall message to the new readers: This is only the beginning. The best is yet to come! They were challenged to work on their skills and, most of all, to join the Bible reading class for further expansion of their abilities.

After the graduation ceremony, all of the students enjoyed a celebratory dinner. And we rejoice with them. May God lead each graduate step-by-step to closer relationship with him and to service in his kingdom.

I can do all this through him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13


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