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Teaching Truth

Here's an update from Shakeel about villages he and Rustam have visited recently and about an interesting problem they encountered.


In Bhagodharo, Shakeel preached about the love of God, the blessings he gives, and his mercy on mankind. He also shared why we should worship God. There were both Christian believers and Hindu people in the audience and they all listened as Shakeel shared with them the message of salvation and forgiveness of sins through Jesus.


Having heard that in the village of Karokhay homes had been demolished by the government, Shakeel felt that the Holy Spirit was calling him to visit the people in need there. He held a worship service with them and, in his teaching, tried to show them that their hope is in Christ.

Chundko (no picture available)

In the village of Chundko, located in the region of Khaipur, Shakeel and Rustam faced a challenge. They heard that some pastors had come from Lahore and paid 1000 Pakistani rupees (about $6.50 US) to each person who would allow themselves to be baptized and photographed. Then they proceeded to "baptize" 23 people, some of whom had already been baptized.

Although Chundko is not in the area normally visited by the RTN team, Shakeel felt it was important to go to teach them the truth of the meaning of baptism and that once they are baptized with an understanding of that meaning, they do not have to be baptized again. He is preaching a similar message in other outreach areas to protect people from the false teaching of those who are using them and their photographs deceitfully to raise money from trusting supporters.

Please keep praying for the Reach the Nations teams as they face these kinds of situations. Our goal is to teach truth and to correct teaching that contradicts clear biblical instruction.

". . .contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints." - Jude 1:3b


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