Saints and Sinners

Who are your best friends? Your closest confidantes? Those for whom you would sacrifice time, resources, even your life? There is nothing on earth as sweet as friendships of this depth.
But there is an even greater blessing for those of us who are followers of Jesus. It is an out-of-this world, intensely personal, friendship with the Triune God.
In his writing, John Owen says this of such believers to whom he refers as saints, “Truly their fellowship is with the Father: let men think of it as they please, they have close, spiritual, heavenly refreshing in the mutual communication of love with the Father himself.” (p. 72)
Those who do not know God don’t value the joy of fellowship with Him. In fact, Owen says when they want us, as saints, to follow their lifestyles, engage in activities that are not worthy of the Son of God and that draw us away from relationship with the Father, they simply don’t understand. Instead, he says, “They (saints) are looked upon as poor, low, despicable persons, when indeed they are the only great and noble personages in the world. Consider the company they keep: it is with the Father; who so glorious? The merchandise they trade in, it is love; what so precious?” (p. 72)
Here’s what God says about His beloved humans: “As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.” (Psalm 16:3)
God delights in saints – those who are committed to relating to Him and living out that relationship in their day-to-day lives. Do you delight in them, too?
I have many saints who bring cheer, support, and joy into my life: My husband, my spiritual mentor (who is now with face-to-face with Jesus), my ministry mentor, my lifelong friend, my book-reading friend, my compassionate friend, my hospitality friend, my “I’ll do anything to help” friend, my psychologist friend, my praying friend, my friend who is a light in a dark place, and my daughters.
Who are the “saints who are in the land” for you? I hope you have a long list. They are the ones who make our lives rich, full, interesting, challenging, and fun. Together, let’s thank our Lord for the privilege of friendship with Him and for setting some of His special saints on life's path with us.
*John Owen, Communion with God (Fearn, Ross-shire, Scotland: Christian Focus Publications, p. 72