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Laying Foundations

Both Shahzaib and Shakeel are working in Sindh Province with a focus primarily in two areas. Shakeel is working with a group of believers in Kotri, a town outside of Hyderabad.

Over time, they will grow in numbers and Shakeel will teach and train those who can be leaders in a new church development.

In another area of Sindh, a city called Sanghar, Shahzaib is also working to establish a new church.

The picture below shows Shahzaib and his wife Anita leading the gathering in a time of prayer.

Please pray for the RTN pastors that they will be used of God to evangelize, teach, and to establish churches in these areas. Pray also that God will bring in people who need to hear the Gospel and that, among those who come, there will be some who are willing to learn and grow until they can become leaders in their own churches. May God give the increase.

"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." - 1 Corinthians 12:12


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