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Healing and Baptisms in DhamoKay

There is much happening among Christians in DhamoKay. First, Adnan told us the story of a man named Akram who had an accident several weeks ago and his jaw was fractured. He went to the doctor and was told the fracture had to be repaired surgically. They set a date for the operation.

Then Akram went to the church at DhamoKay where, on two separate occasions, the people prayed for his healing.

Here's the rest of the story in Adnan's words: "On the day of the operation Akram went to the hospital. The doctor took him into the operation theater and before they began to operate, they made an x-ray for checking it again. The doctor was surprised that his jaw was already fixed and, instead of surgery, he was told he just needed to give some rest to his jaw."

"After that he came back to DhamoKay Church and gave his testimony and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior."

So, Akram and ten other new believers were baptized in a joy-filled service.

The congregation watched as men, women, and children gave their testimonies.

Adnan concluded the service with prayers of thanksgiving to God and blessing on His people.

Please pray for these new converts who were bold enough to publicly express their allegiance to Jesus. And give praise to God with us for his powerful work among the people in this area of Pakistan.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9


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