God at Work in Khairpur

Pastor Rustam (far right in photo) is leading the church established by Reach the Nations in Khairpur. He faithfully preaches and guides this congregation in worship and sound biblical teaching.

He recently baptized five new believers who chose to make public that they are now followers of Jesus Christ. After baptism, they were each given a Bible of their own. Rustam also reports that another man recently turned his heart to Jesus after attending the church in Khairpur for three years. God is at work in this place.

Rustam prays regularly with people in need, whenever they ask and wherever they are. The people have been taught to believe in the power of prayer and in the love of God.
Rustam and Shakeel are shown below in front of the newly plastered walls of the church building which was damaged by the flooding in the area last fall. We are thankful for these men who participated in getting the building back to worship-ready condition.

Please pray for Pastor Rustam and this growing congregation. Pray especially for those who recently were baptized - that they will be blessed in their now-public walk with God.
" . . .if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." - Romans 10:9-10