Expanding into New Areas

Brother Abraham is sharing the Word of God in the Banawala area where he is leading the ministry. He is visiting the area often getting to know the people, having one-to-one meetings to encourage believers in their faith, and praying with and counseling those who need help.
All of this groundwork builds interest in the Sunday services where the Gospel is preached and the people gather for worship and prayer.

Brother Irfan is now leading the work in Daska and is shown above preaching the Word of God to those who have come together. Irfan and Abraham have often visited Daska and the surrounding areas to get to know people and their need and to pray with and counsel them. Many of those they visit then decide to attend Sunday services to learn more about the Bible and Jesus.

This is an area near Dhamokay. Mebhoob, shown above, is reaching out to the people of Sabosaran. There are only a few families in this area and they have no church, so they are being invited to attend the Dhamokay church.
Mehboob's wife, Maria, joined him in this visit and together they are giving thanks to God for the opportunity to expand the work of Reach the Nations to this village and to surrounding areas where there is much need.
Mehboob says, "I am thankful to God to be able reach new people and share the Word with them. This is done keeping in mind Jesus' Great Commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel."
As with Irfan and Abraham, Mehboob is reaching out into these villages to get to know the people, to hold prayer meetings, and to share the message of salvation with individuals and families.

The teaching of reading, writing, and basic math skills continues in Daska under the leadership of Sister Rehana. Of this program, Mehboob says, "We give thanks to God as we see the changes in the students of this class. I see some who are starting to read verses of the Urdu Bible, and we believe that in coming months we will see many people grow in their ability to read the Bible for themselves."
Please pray for the many people in these areas who do not know Jesus and gift of forgiveness and life that is available if they will hear, understand, believe, and follow.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." - Mark 16:15