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Encounters and Needs

Shakeel and Rustam visited five villages this past month, teaching from the Gospels, particularly the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Parable of the Nets, and the Sower and the Seed.

They also had some interesting interactions . . .

Pacca Chang

After teaching from one of Jesus' parables, some children came to Shakeel and asked if he could help them "make a toilet". It seems they had been using a neighboring landlowner's property for toileting and he is no longer allowing that. Shakeel said he could make no promises, but is asking that we ask God to help provide an answer to this need.

A man classified as a black magician (in green above) has been attending the meetings in Pacca Chang. He told Shakeel he had followed him with the help of evil spirits. Shakeel responded, "So what have you found after doing this kind of thing?" The answer, "I have found nothing, but I am happy to hear the Gospel from you and that's why I have come back to the meeting."

Shakeel asks that we pray for this magician, "that God will change his mind and he will become a believer and witness of Jesus Christ in this area."


The men also encountered an evil spirit in Jiskani. A woman who had such a spirit felt dizzy and fainted during the sermon. Shakeel and Rustam prayed over her asking for healing in Jesus name. She regained consciousness.

Afterwards, Shakeel and Rustam counseled with this woman and her husband, both of whom are practicing Hindus. As they sat together, Rustam and Shakeel noticed that the woman was wearing a black thread necklace which had been given to her by a magician for her healing.

With her permission, they removed the necklace and now are continuing to teach this young couple about the truth of Jesus Christ. Please join us in praying for them.


The service in Kumb included participation in the Lord's Supper for those who have professed belief in Jesus as Savior.


The children in Korki participated with enthusiasm in the church service (see video of their dancing in an earlier post).


The meeting in Mirwa was followed by fellowship under the trees.

Thank you for your prayers for the work of God in Pakistan!

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." - James 5:16


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