Building Relationships
The work of Reach the Nations in the Province of Punjab centers around Sialkot, a metropolitan center known mainly for its manufacture of sports equipment: tennis rackets, cricket bats, and footballs.
Within Sialkot are many areas outside the city center with people living as day laborers, earning just enough for food and shelter. One of those is Bharokay Pula.

Irfan (shown below) has been working alongside Adnan and with his brother, Mehboob, in the ministry in the Sialkot area for several years. Now, having completed his four-month residential education at Covenant Leadership Training Institute in Karachi, he is venturing out to start a new church in Bharokay Pula.

At this point, Irfan is beginning to gather a few people and is holding regular prayer meetings with them. He and Mehboob go together and Irfan teaches from the Bible.
The people are responding well and are learning more about God and his involvement in their lives.
Please pray for Irfan as he continues to develop relationships among the people of Bharokay. Pray for many others to begin to understand who Jesus is and the offer of forgiveness and eternal life that he makes.
"All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." - John 6:37