A Visitor to the Literacy Class
Manzoor Masih leads the Reach the Nations team in Pakistan and also is a member of the National Commission for Human Rights for the government of Pakistan. He has many responsibilities, but took time last week to visit the literacy class presently underway at Prayer Tower Church in Islamabad.
He is pictured above with Zarish (left), who teaches the class, and a student who is receiving literacy materials.
Though they are only a few weeks into the six-month course, the students are already being able to sound out words as this woman demonstrates.
The woman above, a graduate from our very first literacy course, is reading from her large-print Urdu Bible.
Please pray for these students as they enjoy the opportunity, for the first time in their lives, to learn to read. Pray, too, for their teacher, Zarish, who gives of her time and skill faithfully to lead this class.