Sidra's Story
One of the ministries we partner with in Pakistan is The Cross Connecting Network, headed by Jerry and Sharon Miner of North Carolina. They work primarily through Mushdaq and Kanwel in the gigantic city of Karachi. Sharon wrote this week to tell us of baptisms that took place shortly after Gary and Mike were there ministering in meetings for several days. Here is an excerpt from her letter to Gary:
I'll attach a picture below to show you a girl standing beside Kanwel with a black dress with a large red geometric design on it. This is Sidra and here is her story. Sidra's father sells wine - and also illegal drugs. Sidra grew up using and selling drugs. She preferred to hang with the boys - and wanted to be a boy. She didn't think she ever wanted to marry.
She came to the Shama Center for training, and the stories of Jesus changed her life. She gave her heart to Jesus and began to ask about baptism. When you and Mike were visiting and Mike preached at Central Church, Rashida raised her hand in response to his invitation and boldly stood to repent before the church. This week she was baptized - and has told Kanwel that if she finds a suitable man, she is willing to marry.
We thought you would like to hear this story of life-change and join with us in glorifying God for His work in softening and opening many hearts to His message of love, forgiveness, and transformation.
Shama Center is a program led by Kanwel that teaches South Asian women trades such as tailoring and cosmetology so they are equipped to find jobs to help support their families. The training is all delivered in the context of Bible study, prayer, and scriptural teaching. Many lives have been influenced through this well-established ministry. In the photo: Mushdaq is in the checkered shirt and Kanwel is in pink beside him.
This is a true story, but we chose not to use the specific location or actual name of the woman for her own protection.