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Beverly Van Kampen

The church in Dhamokay is strong and growing. The community allows them to use this building for worship services and various ministries related to the church. Here you see Mehboob preaching on a recent Sunday.

In the photo above, you see Irfan praying with this small congregation in Daska where he also shared a message from the Word of God. Abraham and Irfan are working together at the Daska church and also the Barokay church where Abraham is shown below. 

In all of these areas, the brothers presented teaching from the Gospel of Mark, a book they are studying online together every week with Gary Finkbeiner, Peter Negron, Timothy Peng, and Warren Van Kampen.

And, as you know from previous reports, the literacy class in Daska is ongoing and is taught by Rehana, shown above.

Mehboob says this about this class, "We thank God as we see the changes in the students in this class. I see some are starting to read the Urdu Bible. And we see many other changes like a better life, positive attitudes, and love for God." We are grateful for Rehana's good work with these students.

Please pray for the team of Mehboob, Irfan, and Abraham as they minister in key areas in the Punjab Province faithfully preaching and teaching the Word of God and serving the people of these congregations. And pray for Rehana and the students who desire to grow in their literacy skills so they can understand the Bible better and serve God in new ways.

"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;" - Colossians 1:10

Beverly Van Kampen

Peter Negron, Timothy Peng, and Gary Finkbeiner have just returned from several days of ministry in Nepal. Nepal is an independent country in South Asia with China one one side and India on the other. It is probably best known as the home country of Mt. Everest. The primary religions practiced in Nepal are Hinduism and Buddhism, but there is a Christian presence as well

So how did Reach the Nations get involved in Nepal?

Several months ago, Samuel Dahal (shown below with Gary), the key leader of a network of churches based out of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, began an online communication with Gary and Timothy. There are thirteen churches in Dahal's Harvest Church Network (HCN) and he was looking for training for key leaders.

Gary, Timothy, and Samuel began to meet weekly on Zoom to study the Bible and theology together. Over time they began to talk about ways in which RTN might be able help facilitate training for the network's leaders. It was decided that a ministry trip was the best way to share the truths of God's word with these Christian leaders.

So, late in January, Timothy and Gary, along with RTN's Peter Negron, departed America for Nepal for the purpose of holding a leadership conference with HCN and preaching in the three HCN congregations located in the city of Kathmandu. 

The three-day conference focused on core issues of the gospel such as humanity's fallen condition, the call of the gospel to repent and turn to Christ by faith, the foundation of the cross, the grace of God, and the ability by grace to persevere to the end in the Christian life.

The leadership team begin every meeting with a worship song and a prayer.

Timothy and Gary during a pause.

Peter, center in the photo above, commented, "Since this was our last training session, they expressed their thankfulness by giving us a traditional hat with the symbol of bravery. Nepal has never been conquered by any other nation, according to what I was told. So these are very special and we received this honor with great joy. It was a great time with our brothers and sisters in Nepal."

A longer conference focused on systematic and biblical theology is now being discussed for later in the year of 2025 or early 2026.

Gary noted, "There is a great hunger in the leaders of Nepal to grow in knowledge and understanding."He also said,"It is always amazing to meet people that have the same heart for the kingdom of God and a great desire to grow in the faith and to expand the boundaries of the Kingdom of God."

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives." - Colossians 1:9

Beverly Van Kampen

Shahzaib continues the work in Sanghar including working with Awana to reach children. Here is a gathering last month where Shahzaib taught about Jesus coming to earth as a baby to save us from our sins.

At the end of the meeting, the children gathered around to cut the celebratory cake.

Shahzaib is also working hard to establish good relationships with community leaders in his area. Reaching out in good will, he invited them in for a dinner and conversation.

This is Shahzaib with his wife and children. Please pray for them as they continue to minister with sincerity and compassion as they share the truths of the Bible with the people of Sanghar and beyond.

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? - Romans 10:13-14

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